Friday, July 31, 2009

AIFOS´s bankrupcy in the BOE

In the official Spanish Newspaper, today has been published the Resolution about AIFOS´s Bankruptcy:

El Juzgado de lo Mercantil número 1 de Málaga, en cumplimiento de lodispuesto en el artículo 23 de la Ley Concursal (LC),
1.º Que en el procedimiento número 947/2009, por auto de 23 de julio de 2009,se ha declarado en concurso voluntario al deudor AIFOS ARQUITECTURA YPROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS, S.A, con NIF, A-29403052, domicilio enPolígono Industrial La Huertecilla, C/ Generación n.º 48, Málaga, y cuyo centro deprincipales intereses lo tienen en la provincia de Málaga.
2.º Que el deudor conserva las facultades de administración y de disposición desu patrimonio, pero sometidas éstas a la intervención de la AdministraciónConcursal.
3.º Que los acreedores del concursado deben poner en conocimiento de laAdministración Concursal la existencia de sus créditos en la forma y con los datosexpresados en el artículo 85 de la Ley Concursal.
El plazo para esta comunicación es el de un mes a contar de la últimapublicación de los anuncios que se ha ordenado publicar en el Boletín Oficial delEstado
4.º Que los acreedores e interesados que deseen comparecer en elprocedimiento deberán hacerlo por medio de Procurador y asistidos de Letrado(Artículo 184.3 de la Ley Concursal).
Málaga, 23 de julio de 2009.- La Secretario Judicial.

Form this moment any Aifos´s client has 1 month to comunicate the credit to the Court. It starts the proceess to try to recover any debt from this company.

Monday, July 27, 2009


The Commercial Court no.1 of Malaga has accepted the request of bankruptcy recently presented by Aifos. This signifies that this initiates the process by which the court will become aware of the net assests of the company, which consists of property and debts, and proceed to their liquidation (distribution) to pay debt to the mutiple creditors.

In the inital phase, the court allowed a term of one month to the creditors to give notice of credit against Aifos, so that it is registered before the liquidation phase. Whom ever does not claim in this time frame, will not be included. Therefore, we recomend that this initial notice of credit by transmitted by a lawyer and prosecutor (procurador), since it is the only way to be part and participate in this bankruptcy proceeding, to be informed and to be allowed to present alegations within your rights. Having said this and taking into accout that our office can assume the responsability to defend your interest from the moment of your decision to claim your funds against Aifos, we are at your entire disposition, if you so wish, to assume your representation in this new proceeding.

Due to the sudden news of these circumstances, we are studying the exisiting possibilities of each case brought forward with regards to Aifos and the following steps we will be taking to obtain the most beneficial result for your case.

Contact us and explain your case. We know how to help you in these bad moment.