Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Last days to include your name into de list of creditors to pass the creditor´s proposal

Aug. 27th 2014 The deadline to include your name into the list of creditors who will present into the Court the creditors´s proposal is closer. If you want an alternative to the AIFOS official proposal, please contact with your current lawyer and ask him to contact us. We will let him/her know about what we propose. If you don´t have a previous legal representative, please send us your contact details to and we will answer you a.s.a.p. Do you want to be part of the 20% of the creditors who will sign and present the proposal before September 4th?? We know it has been hard and long the way, but this is the chance to increase the posibilities to get your money back. Will you give up?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Aifos´s Bankruptcy. We are next to the end

August 8th. 2014 We are close to know about Aifos´s destiny. The Court appointed the Creditor´s meeting on October 31st. In that meeting all creditor will decide about: Option 1.- To pass the Aifos´s proposal about the way to pay the credits (Convenio). Option 2.- To select Creditor´s proposal about Aifos´s future, to be presented before September 4th. Option 3.- To go to liquidation. Option 3 will definitly close the company. All the assest will be sold and just a few of the creditors will receive the money. (Mass credits, Pivileged credits... maybe no money for ordinary credits). Option 1 has been propossed by the company. But... Do you trust on them? Would you be ready to receive only 50% of your money and wait 9 years until getting just 20%, and 10 years to get the rest? Will the company exists in ten years if current managers continue to rule Aifos? We are working from several months to propose a new and different way. (Option 2) where the creditors would have the chance to convert part of his credit into a New Aifos shares, and to recover the rest in cash in a few years. Most relevant credits belongs to banks, so they should lead this way, as they represent more than 20% of the credits. Here are some links to news about the work we have been done. Yo can also see relevant information about the Creditors´s meeting in ¿What will be your choice? We are ready to represent you into the creditor´s meeting if you don´t have a lawyer to do that. Do you want to join to option 2?