Monday, May 6, 2013

Rough seas as to AIFOS creditor’s meeting. Administrators’ challenge.

Today, the challenge of the administrators of the Creditor’s meeting has been disclosed and it was firstly raised by one creditor and then AIFOS joined it by requesting the challenge of all of the administrators of the creditor’s meeting. Despite the Judge has initially rejected the latter, a hearing has been appointed where all of the creditors have been called. Regrettably, this hearing will not take place until next 2015! AIFOS’ grounding refers to a conflict of interests with the company declared in bankruptcy situation and the administrators of the creditor’s meeting. AIFOS states that the administrators of the creditor’s meeting only think of being paid their enormous fees, of which they have already been paid three quarters of the one million Euros each (and there are three of them). Thus, the outcome is likely to be Administrators of the Creditor’s meeting two and a half million Euros, creditors zero. Besides, there are no further news on the agreement that we discussed previously. We strongly advise the reading of SUR today’s article.